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Reciprocal IVF: The best fertility treatment for a lesbian couple to get pregnant.
Have your heard of the fertilization method two-mom IVF approach? If you are a lesbian couple it is by far the best way to get a family. Why? Just because both of you will become mothers to the child.
Not long time ago, lesbian family model had to leave one of the women with no physical connection to the baby. That’s why this method is extremely attractive for lesbian couples. Now a handful of countries like Spain allow the lesbian reciprocal IVF technique, also known as shared motherhood, inter-espousal egg donation or reciprocal IVF.
The dream of having a baby with both women equally involved it’s not a dream any more. Nowadays, science and law come together in order to allow the lesbian couples enjoy a full family life. Lesbian couples who want to become mothers, can get a specialised treatment of lesbian fertility in Spain.
This revolutionary method of lesbian fertilization grants the full experience of maternity to both women. It’s exclusive for lesbian couples who want to become mothers taking active part in creating and bringing a baby. One of them will be the genetic mother and the second one the gestational mother.
How is partner in vitro fertilization in Spain?
We have said the two-mom IVF approach is very similar to a standard IVF. Once a couple has decided who are the biological mother and the gestational one, they have to decide about the sperm. As in any reproductive assistance for lesbian couples the sperm donation is a very relevant aspect. At this point it’s important to underline that sperm donation is anonymous in Spain.
It’s very important to know about the laws of the country where you are going to follow the Reciprocal in vitro fertilization (IVF). Not long time ago.
In Spain, all couples whether they are homosexual or heterosexual have the same rights. Marriage and adoption are accessible for anyone since 2005. The Spanish Assisted Reproduction Law 14/2006 recognizes that both women are parents to a child conceived through assisted reproduction techniques in Spain.
That’s why sperm donation is anonymous. Egg donation is anonymous too as long as it is between lesbians. That means they must be married. So these factors make the perfect frame for being lesbians and have a family with full rights as any heterosexual couple.
Who is A or B?
This crucial question must be answered by medical tests. Pregnancy expectations depend on the health of the women and must be carefully considered. At first, they might have a clear idea of who is A or B but they must listen to the medical advice.
Reciprocal in vitro fertilization (IVF)
Partner in vitro fertilization (IVF) is similar to a standard in vitro fertilization. The best is that the eggs are from one of the spouses. The eggs will be fertilised and implanted in her partner’s uterus. It might sound magic but it is just science. It’s wonderful to know that being a lesbian you can get pregnant from your wife. If you are interested, you can follow this fertility treatment in Spain. Let’s explain how.
1. In order to get full chances of success, the women must go through the synchronization of their menstrual cycles by taking oral contraceptive pills.
2. The one providing the eggs will go through the ovarian stimulation in order to get the maturation of several of them. This might take between 7 and 12 days. At the same time, who will carry the pregnancy will take medications to set the uterus for implantation.
3. Following the coordination of the cycles which might take from 6 to 9 weeks, the eggs will be retrieved by ovarian punction what takes a half an hour. As a standard IVF, the eggs will be fertilised with donor sperm from the sperm bank from 3 to 6 days.
4. Once the eggs are fertilised the embryos will be transposed to the partner’s uterus. She will carry the pregnancy and give birth to the child. The Spanish law says that a maximum of three embryos can be implanted in a cycle but the experience refers to one or two.
The embryos that were not used can be frozen for future members of the family or donated to other couples.